Thursday, December 17, 2009


Today we went with Chandra to the markets and purchased quilts for all the kids. These are nice, warm ones, each with its own cover which can be taken off for washing. These were made possible by a donation from Kerrie and Stuart at Parkes and we thank them very much for the thoughtfulness. It is something the kids really need......we had a look at what they were using......there was all kinds of thread-bare blankets and torn old sleeping bags. They are something that the kids will have all for years to come. The quilts are to be delivered tomorrow.

We also worked out why the adults and kids never ate together! They don't have a pot big enough to cook enough food in one go. So at the markets today we checked out prices and shops and found a 12 litre pressure cooker. Tomorrow we won't be here but Tess and Maya have volunteered to go to the markets and buy the pressure cooker for them.

The bus ride to the markets was interesting. The local buses are made to seat about 20 people. I counted 51 passengers squashed, and I mean squashed onto the bus. Most had bags or shopping. They were literally pushed together, with three fellows hanging out the door. But everyone was good humoured and had a smile. We enjoyed the trip.

We were very worried about leaving tonight after last nights performance....however they seem very content that we have changed our plans and will be coming back to stay with them again. Tonight they sang for us.....a song pleading with us not to go. And we taught them a song....'waydown yonder in the paw paw patch'.


  1. Oh that is good news about the quilts... i know Kerrie and Stuart will be pleased to know that they have something useful... i am glad you are going back there before you are going home.. they seem so precious... and i know they will miss you.

  2. Awww - that's so sweet that you are going back.
