Thursday, December 3, 2009

I hated Nepal on arrival. The poverty... I thought I was prepared but there is no way to be prepared for the conditions here. I feel so ignorant. I think Nepal has broken my heart. I don't know how anyone could come here and not be a little sadden. I don't know how to explain to you back home, it is worse than anything you can imagine. The ride from the airport to our hostel made the city seem like a scene from a post apocalyptic movie. What I first thought where slums I know realize are standard 'middle-class' areas. Even in the rich tourist areas of Thaml the conditions are well below those of the poorest areas in Australia. Families eat, shit and live in the street. Rubbish is piled up against houses, on roads and little kids step over to crap filled plastic bags on there way to school.It hasn't quite sunk in that this is reality for these people. This is only seven weeks of hardship for me, it is everyday for them. Many Nepali don't leave the city, let alone the country.The first few hours here where very hard. I was overwhelmed. Things are getting easier. I am getting tougher.


  1. My goodness.. it puts things into perspective doesn't it.... no matter how hard it is for us.. there is always someone worse off.... thinking of you both..

  2. yeah its crazy isnt it, even though we think we know we really have no idea. poor for us is just not being able to buy expensive clothes, as oppose to ANY thing...

    i hope you guys are enjoying it stillxx
