Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Razue and Ruth- enemies in the battle for control of the lap. It doesn't seem to matter if there is one adult or five they always compete for the same lap and sharing is not an option.

Age: 4

Ruth Loves: Biscuits, drawing flowers, using lip gloss and kisses

Ruth has a bad infection behind her ear, possibly from lack of showers.

Razue Loves: falling asleep in a lap, cameras, stealing toys from other kids and singing quietly to himself.

Razue is about the size of an Australian two year old child. He makes up for his size with a huge voice. He kind of reminds me of a cranky Chihuahua.


  1. Oh .... so cute.... are they the youngest??? do they go to school?

  2. oh they are so cute!! bring them home!! can you adopt them?
