Monday, December 7, 2009


Normally the kids go to school on a Sunday, Saturday is their only day off, but when they reached school they found that it had been called off for the day because of the Maoists. The Maoists called a general strike. Everyone complies because they damage any vehicles that are seen using the roads. Rumours are that six police were either killed or abducted a few days before. Many shops were closed and others closed when the Maoists marched up the road. It wasn't a big group marching, though they were vocal, but they were friendly towards us....maybe cause I had a red T-shirt on. Apparently they received about 40 percent of the vote in the last election. But the person I spoke to thought they were losing support and would be lucky to get 30 percent in the next election. As a consequence of their being no cars on the road there was little smog and pollution and for the first time we could see the snow covered peaks rising up almost infront of us. They are spectatular but we have not been able to see them until now.

So after breakfast we went early to the home. We were joined by a couple from Tasmania, Adam and Jennifer, and two fellows from NSW. For a while there seemed like more adults than children, but the children really enjoy the attention.

I have been teaching the kids the Australian 'Cooee' call. When I arrive at the foot of the hill I call out and they rush to the gate and answer.....sometimes all at once. We spent most of the day playing and talking with the kids. We also drew up plans for a chicken coop as we have talked about buying chickens and goats for the orphanage. In the evening we could hear the Maoists chanting, we found out the next day they were chanting 'victory, victory'.

1 comment:

  1. i can just imagine you calling Coo-ee as you walk along the street... i wish i was there... I am glad Rob is going to be able to make a chicken coop somewhere in this world!!! How much are you going to get done before you move to the monastery??
